Public Letter;

I want to die with dignity, it is the only thing I have left and that the dictatorship could not take away from me.
I do not want to inspire pity by detailing my illnesses, but I need you to understand the torture of being aware of my constant deterioration.
I humbly beg you to read my testimony and realized that approving this euthanasia law is an act of love and kindness.
Mr. Chairman of the Health Committee of the Chamber of Deputies,
Honorable Deputies;
I am Cecilia Heyder Accountant and I am 54 years old.
I suffer from breast cancer, dermal systemic lupus, factor 7 deficiency and several other pathologies. On December 16, 2020 I filed an appeal for protection against Hospital San José and the Minister of Health Óscar Enrique Paris, requesting a dignified death, euthanasia, as it is my sovereign and individual right.
At this moment I have been hospitalized for more than two months in the San José Hospital in the commune of Independencia. You will understand that this life I lead at present is not worth living, much less the kind of life I could lead once I am discharged with plasma transfusions 2 to 3 times a week with all its physical and psychological effects and the consequent wear off and tear that would mean for me moving from my home to the Hospital for each transfusion.
I would not wish the joint pains and side effects even on my torturer.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Health Committee, I do not want to play the victim, nor do I want to inspire pity by detailing my illnesses, however, I need you to understand what it means to me to be lucid and fully aware of the constant deterioration of my body. Two years ago and without expecting it, a "factor 7 deficiency" came into my life and added itself to my long list of illnesses, and with it began the hemorrhages and transfusions. That was the beginning of my ordeal of pain, hemorrhages and hemarthrosis. In addition to all this, there was the constant doubt on the part of the doctors that this disease supposedly did not exist, their humiliations and questioning.
Today, my coagulopathy has advanced so much that I require constant transfusions and I have become incoagulable several times and more and more often. It has been explained to me that if I hit or even cut myself a little by accident, I will hemorrhage and will have to go to the emergency room...This is my daily life, full of uncertainty and without hope of improvement.
I am tired.
All my life I have fought, first against a nefarious and bloody dictatorship and then against an indolent and cruel State. I have always actively fought for social demands. All my life I have been independent in spite of my physical handicaps. But with this illness it is all over for me. I know that I will never again be seen marching, much less chained in a protest....
And I also know that even with 2-3 transfusions a week, my quality of life would be very poor to say the least and that even with invasive treatments, the fatal outcome would only be delayed.
This is no longer life worth living.
This is why I humbly beg you honorable Deputies, to leave the moralistic prejudices aside for a moment, take pity and approve this humanitarian bill for a good death. There are many of us who wish to put an end to the agony of unnecessary suffering.
Mr. Chairman of the Committee, Ladies and Gentlemen:
I want to die with Dignity, it is the only thing I have left and that the Dictatorship could not take away from me.
Thank you very much for listening to my testimony.


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